Financial Impact

Financial Impacts, Customer Markets and Products 

In the digital world of today, the business operations of communications companies such as fixed and mobile operators, and innovative new entrants in spectrum and space, involve a complex mix of network technologies, product offerings, customer segments, finance and new business models.

Boards, senior executives and regulatory authorities seek our specialist expertise and assistance to help understand, unravel and improve transparency, and assess the potential financial impact on their business.

We adopt strategic thinking and rigorous analytical methods, to ensure that financial reporting meets the aims and objectives of new business models and digital market realities.   This includes business valuations,  separation of operations and networks, retail and wholesale profitability, and B2B, C2B, M2M market segment performance.

Our role typically requires us to develop a new and different approach to economic and accounting methodologies, which, for example, assist market pricing decisions and infrastructure capital investment cases.

A few of our project examples: 

  • financial estimate of an investment in intangible assets, for specific radio spectrum bands
  • Valuation of economic benefits for a new radio spectrum monitoring system investment
  • Designing then implementing regulatory accounting separation of retail and wholesale revenue and costs. This required revenue and network cost allocation for all fixed and mobile operators in an Asian market, to improve financial transparency and support competition policy
  • Options for structural separation of telecoms local access networks (AccessCo) in the UK
  • Sector policy inputs on digital communications networks (Making Broadband Investment Markets Work) including consultations on financing methods
  • Product profitability and cost models for Royal Mail
  • Preparation of a business plan for a telehealth project and capital appraisal projects for start-up companies
  • Interconnection, local loop unbundling and USO cost model impact study in Cyprus, team leader
  • Cost of Capital studies for the European market
  • Investment appraisals, evaluation of a mobile operator for a bank loan and impact of pricing on future results
  • Review of industry cost structures and potential for financing new investment in European and overseas markets
  • Technical accounting and financial reporting, including impact of IFRS and spectrum accounting for a Japanese firm

Contact us:    

Bob Franklin +44 (0)7776 202889                

Anna Coast +44 (0) 7860 547922